Thursday, January 13, 2011

The illuminated mind fights itself only long enough to become brilliant again

Every day we make choices.  And it may not be our first initial choice to choose love. It may not be appropriate for the circumstance.  It only appears to not be appropriate for the circumstance, because we like to define words, give them barriers and then say, well that's not what love is, this is not how love acts and that is not 'how I see love at all'.

We don't all see love the same and we judge others decision making because it is human to do so.  This is the same reason we have religious wars that never end.  And once again, I am not saying it is all love.  It takes the very opposite effect of love to cause a real disruption in people.  This disruption or stress trigger's the flight or fight response. And it is this response and what comes with it that asks for an equal response.  I cant imagine a mother who has lost her child to an act of war for any reason responding well when she receives the news.  How much can it sooth her to know that her son died for his country.  He gave his life for this country, like a drop of water in the bucket, he threw his essence into it, perhaps not understanding the full price that was paying. And what I mean to say is...did his country love him back?  And again what I mean to say is, what part of the country loved him back?  Did the land love him itself?  Did the government show him love?  Did the leaders who trained him? So was there a match for this love~a give and take or was it that this soldier did all the loving and fought others with the same hot passion?  And how was he reminded that it was love when he was out on the battle field, or on ship or in the air, gunning down others in their own country that they loved?  And how is this justifiable? Who did he do it for, for the safety of his country?  For the love of his country? Or because he wanted to spend his years doing 'something' he could consider meaningful?  Did he believe he would get an education, discipline and be able to travel and be an honorable father and husband?  Was he thinking of his parents, his sister, his high school sweet heart, when he went out onto the battle field, or was he thinking about his mother and how she would feel to lose him? Was he thinking about his kids and how they would grow up without a father if he didn't make it through or was he thinking about the old red white and blue flag still standing as he ran out and then took cover?  Chances are, he had flashes of all those things, but the adrenaline and endorphins his body developed for survival had well kicked in and he was already into the human response mechanism.  The government trains soldiers to work under these human conditions, knowing that men especially will stand and fight other men if they have convinced themselves that they are valuable in the defense of something. Propaganda isn't a dead methodology, it works to put the masses into a state of fear. Humans have a survival response for fear. And current social standards prevent most flight or fight mechanisms through punishment. Oppression is the unwanted outcome.

I'd like to ask you...what are you willing to fight for? Who are you willing to fight for? And what would be your reasoning? Or, is there another answer for us?   Chaos and Order depend on the existence of the other.  What happens in the middle of that is what we refer to as the blank slate, the reaction place where the energy of creation snaps and crackles creating that which is often beyond our current understanding.  If we all look at one another as brothers or through the eyes of another, we will never choose to turn on anyone, because we would realize we are the all one.

1 comment:

  1. Mags, beautiful heart felt writing. I love how you dig, then you keep dig dig if to say "did you really hear what I had to say?"
    Well done my dear.
