Thursday, January 13, 2011

The illuminated mind fights itself only long enough to become brilliant again

Every day we make choices.  And it may not be our first initial choice to choose love. It may not be appropriate for the circumstance.  It only appears to not be appropriate for the circumstance, because we like to define words, give them barriers and then say, well that's not what love is, this is not how love acts and that is not 'how I see love at all'.

We don't all see love the same and we judge others decision making because it is human to do so.  This is the same reason we have religious wars that never end.  And once again, I am not saying it is all love.  It takes the very opposite effect of love to cause a real disruption in people.  This disruption or stress trigger's the flight or fight response. And it is this response and what comes with it that asks for an equal response.  I cant imagine a mother who has lost her child to an act of war for any reason responding well when she receives the news.  How much can it sooth her to know that her son died for his country.  He gave his life for this country, like a drop of water in the bucket, he threw his essence into it, perhaps not understanding the full price that was paying. And what I mean to say is...did his country love him back?  And again what I mean to say is, what part of the country loved him back?  Did the land love him itself?  Did the government show him love?  Did the leaders who trained him? So was there a match for this love~a give and take or was it that this soldier did all the loving and fought others with the same hot passion?  And how was he reminded that it was love when he was out on the battle field, or on ship or in the air, gunning down others in their own country that they loved?  And how is this justifiable? Who did he do it for, for the safety of his country?  For the love of his country? Or because he wanted to spend his years doing 'something' he could consider meaningful?  Did he believe he would get an education, discipline and be able to travel and be an honorable father and husband?  Was he thinking of his parents, his sister, his high school sweet heart, when he went out onto the battle field, or was he thinking about his mother and how she would feel to lose him? Was he thinking about his kids and how they would grow up without a father if he didn't make it through or was he thinking about the old red white and blue flag still standing as he ran out and then took cover?  Chances are, he had flashes of all those things, but the adrenaline and endorphins his body developed for survival had well kicked in and he was already into the human response mechanism.  The government trains soldiers to work under these human conditions, knowing that men especially will stand and fight other men if they have convinced themselves that they are valuable in the defense of something. Propaganda isn't a dead methodology, it works to put the masses into a state of fear. Humans have a survival response for fear. And current social standards prevent most flight or fight mechanisms through punishment. Oppression is the unwanted outcome.

I'd like to ask you...what are you willing to fight for? Who are you willing to fight for? And what would be your reasoning? Or, is there another answer for us?   Chaos and Order depend on the existence of the other.  What happens in the middle of that is what we refer to as the blank slate, the reaction place where the energy of creation snaps and crackles creating that which is often beyond our current understanding.  If we all look at one another as brothers or through the eyes of another, we will never choose to turn on anyone, because we would realize we are the all one.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fight, Flight or Love? Teaching ourselves the ultimate response mechanism

 magnetics, love and what 'christ consciousness' means to me

This selection of my writing came to me through a deep yearning to release feelings of sadness through changes in love relationships and allow for new beginnings.  I began to commune with myself and with spirit in hopes of revealing answers to my questions on how to get through this particular loss and move forward.  As, the first of the year approached I began preparing myself mentally, physically and spiritually for my goals in the coming year.  This naturally raised a lot of questions for me about the ties, agreements, or proposals I have made energetically over the passed year.  Have I honored them?  Is there anything I need to wrap up or touch base with?  This process for me is much about gathering my energy to move forward, letting go of any ideas or patterns that I have had that are not in service to me now, positive or negative in weight...Through many hard moments and soul searching...a message right from that which I call god was delivered to me...these are the personal insights that have saved me from going down a path that does not serve my highest order every single time...I am a story-teller and so today I will tell my story.  I have translated the information for my own personal use.  I write it hoping that a few of you may identify with what I am saying and that the information is valuable.

Last year, I experienced two very significant relationships that brought to me new understanding into unconditional love.  These relationships evolved me and healed me. They also brought about more self-questioning, forgiveness, and tears.  I have left the land of which I had lived in 2010 on the islands of Hawaii...and this was my first step. I had to make a change for myself and experience a loss to understand the lesson.  Suddenly and quite quickly the road opens to me in new directions... many trails open and close as the days push on.  And as I may take my trails and explore my current terrains the path is still there right in front of me and all around me, and behind me.  This revelation, this vision was culminated over 3 days of intense pull and push...and defines for me to date how I will define my personal spiritual purpose in living life.  Please bare with me...

Many of my visions have a common thread, positives and negatives...or magnetism on some level.  There are 5 points of focus, positive and negative energetic reaction, right and left brain activity, male and female attraction, problem solving, loves new meaning and my understanding of Christ Consciousness.

Aloha.  The Hawaiians have this one right, it expresses a lot, but most commonly it is affectionate and we can even go as far as to say it is always an expression of love...keep this in mind.

                                            THE VISION
I am going to start with a simple mental projection...imagine the human brain, it is alive with undefinable electro-chemical responses...left and right sides of the brain, operating in tandem creating an evolving reality right before our eyes.  It has been commonly stated that the left side of the brain does certain things, it poses questions, it writes out formulas, it is analytical and is commonly related to male energy.  The right-side is artistic, paints a picture, is more emotionally centered rather than intellectual and delivers more of what the formula means to you when you begin to understand its definition. Right brain helps to connect with the vision of the minds eye.  Yet, both sides are intimately connected and required for psychic and creative energy. They may appear to have opposite values, but they are complimentary and one would not work without the other. Sometimes I am more right brained and sometimes more left brained and this I believe is purely determined by what is most necessary for my survival or anyone's survival for that matter...this is also the difference between a wild and domesticated persona.

I now would like to attach the ideas of Science and Religion, physics and metaphysics to the left and right brain value...Science would be left brain and analyzes asking a question, carefully going over all related facts, sending it to right brain to organize these details into visions or images for our ego-body to do with what it needs and back and forth the brain goes until a conclusion has been made, a dawning moment occurs, understanding happens, until a question has been answered!  The more information that is exchanged, the deeper the neuro-passage is for that thought...and the more quickly the questions get answered the more ecstatic, illuminated, or enlightened we feel...This is the true feeling of bliss much like orgasm.  Except I believe the orgasm to be both physical and spiritual. Does this fuel the ego in a negative way?  No, it takes away fear and promotes value and passion in the human.  After that ego behaves as it has been conditioned to do.

But, what is happening in our brain when we are having that feeling,  our brains are in a current of magnetic flow and reaction which is very beautiful and an energetic balance is struck for some period of time.  This is the true essence and gift of creative energy. This creative energy is not only accomplished through 'love making' in its highest form, but in pure Christ-like love in general in our every action and interaction with the world.

When a man or woman goes out into the world, they experience a multitude of interactions all of the time.  And our brains electro-magnetic function definitely effects our pheromones and hormonal releases, urges, and obliviousness and distaste for what we observe in our atmosphere...we attract to us the answer or an answer that we are looking for...sometimes we pick the wrong answer and get stuck with it for a while, sometimes deep inside of us, we needed that wrong answer, to have the right one...just like our own chemical reactions within our bodies. Sometimes we have the perfect answer and it goes away and the loss of it, brings any human-being confusion...the brain glitches and pumps, saying but I found it, now where did it go?  This is very odd, it was just right here a minute ago...blah blah blah...until we realize we must look for a new answer, a new fit.

On at least one occasion, but hopefully on all of them, we met our match in another person, for a day, for a year, and some on and off for life-times...these people we choose to keep around us are valuable, they reflect some aspect of ourselves for us that is positive, they are a part of our personal human evolution...they are our value...on many some way they answered our questions, they complimented us, we learned from them, taught them, debated with them, defined and then understood them, mostly we loved them.  They are our siblings, teachers, parents, lovers, partners and friends. And this my friends is the point. Eventually every single human being gets a feeling they have to create on a some level.  It drives them out into the world.  For some, it drives them crazy. But, for many it drives them to find a mate or a partner.  I am using male and female to define this, but not for the lack of recognition of a culture that has become more androgynous or more bi-sexual in nature in many ways as a response, I believe there is actually this need for this kind of connection more often on a much larger scale globally. 

Now I will jump to a common human desire which is intimacy, sexual exchange and specifically orgasm and the energetics it takes to launch such an immense amount of energy between two people.  Why are humans 'driven' to do this.  The answer is MAGNETISM.  That very simple positive and negative, a completion to a circuit, a balancing and all true equal exchanges of love leave the heart illuminated, healed, lighter, and strengthened.  Let me re-state this, true experiences of love...Each opportunity has the ability to be a true exchange, but it is the human chemical response, personal will and behavior which will determine how long this circuit is active for. This connection through love making is not only physical or chemical, but it is spiritual and after many times of sharing DNA, we begin to absorb one another, quite literally, creating a very chemical, spiritual and emotional attachment usually.  Perhaps similar in ways to paternal or sibling love. The state of being in love is much like that of contentment and how often does general contentment occur?  An orgasm is a reminder of what we are energetically doing every time we connect creating a circle-eight of energetic give and take by connecting two bodies...this kind of bonding is infinite and creates the highest form of creative energy that the human is capable of...this frequency is defined by the heart, the heart chakra nerve plexus, the color pink, and the feeling of love, it is the frequency of true love or what many have been coining as 'Christ Consciousness'.  It is the essence of all creation and thus its perpetuation is an all-healing creative force that can change anything, especially the state of mind we as a whole human race find ourselves in conquers all...and it does, when that essence is immaculate.  We as humans are learning to define this great mystery for ourselves. We are just realizing that what we as individuals  do has a cause and effect not only on ourselves, but on the whole planet. The positive and negatives, magnetism, attraction, and what does and does not define, "that loving feeling".  The creative energy is the space in between positive and negative where the reaction happens. This is the blank slate.  This is the nothing and the place of infinite possibilities.  The left and right brain also work together for our development and evolution posing questions and finding answers to help create the images and agreements we have created for ourselves about things. Electro-magnetic reactions between humans in the highest form comes from the passion and drive to connect with people deeply, because having this feeling of completion, understanding or elation, becomes almost addictive, although I define it as magnetic.  What happens energetically between the positive and negative, that current is creative and god-like.  This is the energy that creates miracles as well as giving us the spark it takes to create the miracle of life. And I believe that it is one connection to god energy always available to us. 

What we tend to do as humans is go down the same entrainment path that we have gone down time and time again for a response.  This is the nature of all things, creating patterns...and sometimes, things change, a value shifts without any ado and what we used to do for satisfaction, elation, completion, or wholeness, just doesn't seem to have the same effect.  This in a way, for me is the unknown, but this shifting is happening simultaneously with the positive and the negative...I call this the Grand order and The Grand Chaos and it symbolizes all that is holy and sacred.

Now I am going to talk about the unrest, discontent, the searching, yearning, and the feeling that something is missing(Grand Chaos at work). We ask a question, often in the time of prayer, we become humble, we listen sometimes and sometimes something miraculous occurs and confirms our connection with the divine.  In those times we may have successfully set aside our ego's enough to see the truth or the light. That truth we usually try to define as god or an inner worth or meaning that has been lost.  What we are really saying is that we wish to increase our value of energy, our value of creation, and our value of love in ourselves and outwardly in our environment.  In our culture, this is often defined by religion and furthermore Christianity.  To be Christ-like as an ego identity because it will save one's soul and the souls of those one loves is novel but empty.  Much of religion believes in sacrifice being normal for salvation. Each person has the ability to call on the Christ Consciousness present within them at any time.  Our Earth thrives on it, the moons orbiting and the krill moving in the tide, all move on the simple charge of magnetism, the scientific word for love, attraction, equalizing, and balance.

We do not all have to have similar religious beliefs to understand love, it is the only universal recognizable expression.  Why do we go to war, to protect that which we love, our land, our beliefs, our families, and ourselves...This is called survival...we only go to war for survival.  This only happens when multiple cultures begin to interact viewing love differently. Which religion often defines and as humans we choose to resonate to ideas which fulfill us...again we move towards that which we love or feel a creative energy with and are inspired by to grow, evolve or move forward.  Religion represents a culture's view of love, passion, and value.  It generally has stories, lectures and examples to define our love and in Christianity they talk about the purity of Christ, his loving, giving, forgiving, creative nature and we say he is the son of god and to be Christian is to be Christ-like, but the value of this has changed in our society...the meaning has shifted...because we all know, not all Christians are Christ-like in a massive perpetuation of the highest creative force.  And that is why we are at the dawning of a new age. All religion has and does serve a purpose for humankind. But it is not the ultimate fulfillment, it is the lesson plan.  The very lack of understanding of the true essence of Christ in the first place is what drives society to define an order of Christianity and go to ugly lengths in some cases to make others believe that their definition is the only definition. Those who disagree become blasphemers of Christ...but this is a lie too.

As, to be like Christ is to do unto others as you would have done unto yourself...this is the true meaning of self-love, outward love, and universal love.  The opposite of which is hate,fear, breakdown and decay on its own. Science and religion compliment one another, define one another and expand on one another, helping the other to grow, become more complete, and to evolve.  Sometimes evolution does not mean going forward, sometimes it goes backwards or no where at all.  A value in nature is challenged by experiencing loss or confusion or a slight change in value, before a necessary shift or adjustment can occur.  A general disruption can occur and eventually, the atom, the brain, the human, science and religion, will create a chaotic state that creates the need for stability at which time one will arch to the other attempting to connect or stabilize, so that what we call a state of grace is re-established.  Nothing but chaos, mutation, mutiny, and the negative side of creative force coming out of balance could cause any other reaction, except for love...and naturally it is met, it draws to it the answer.  For example, when Spirituality makes a monumental definition about the meaning of life, soon Science will discover something mind-blowing and out of this world to help us comprehend, understand, and love our lives and planet even more.  And when science lags and dulls, no longer offering new answers spirituality again, proving that miracles are possible and that an answer can be found in hope until the answer comes...this escalation of human evolution is creative, is conducted by the magnetic god energy that drives everything, which is magnetic attraction, as defined by human nature we again call this love.  In order to ignite the highest part of our evolution, as well as the evolution of our spiritual bodies and our physical, we must have the dawning creative moment where we realize love is the creative force, the god-force, and that everything we perceive as both good or evil, positive and negative perpetuates and commands our evolutions and if we wish to ascend we must understand its highest value...Christ Consciousness realizes that love is what will heal us, the planet and the universe, it is what negates the will bring balance and evolution...and so to be Christ-like is to act out of love and to have Christ Consciousness.  Everything isn't love, love is the reaction to our action...we must understand the total connection between all that is, especially cause and effect. Realizing that the love energy is created when two humans specifically come together in the act of love, releasing from their bodies the exact tonal frequency, metabolic frequency, brain frequency, nervous system frequency that HEALS US and creates beauty.  This connection is the creative trinity...two things coming together to create another manifestation of love...this is the opposite of cancer, the opposite of chaos, and the opposite of mutiny...but one is not without the need of the other to once again  inspire the other to strike a balance.  And to understand this is Christ consciousness.  So, love truly, because when things shift we will be demanded to go towards the true-est vibration of the creation energy, the god energy, individually and doubtfullt we will be alone create and recreate and create again...Let us create our world out of love starting right now...The Christ Consciousness starts with the all-one and taking on the true value of what it means to act Christ-like and is perceived as the two fish tied together, the circle eight connection...between two entities, no matter what the value...As we move into Aquarius and everyone is afraid, I think I understand what I am here to do before it is too late, I will create the magnetic energy in my very heart out of the healthiness of the strong inherent rhythm that pulses within me to connect in love with as many of you as possible...I will raise my vibration purposefully and I invite everyone to do this too...Just realize everything we do is to survive as a species, the planet does what it does to seek balance, and the universe too...this is magnetic, this is the simple law of physical magnetism and directly mimics the laws of the spiritual magnetism and all magnetism to my knowledge...For the good of all, I put out this note of intention to help those of you who feel that loss, or imbalance, I want to offer you an is all for love of everything we know to be real, the Earth and universe outlast us, but we were created for a reason and that reason is to experience the beauty and joy that comes along with the gift of life and then the gift of loving. The trauma and drama come when we need to shift and re-member the purpose and value of life and why we do all we do, get married, have kids, peruse valuable careers, valuable ideals, and valuable people...our survival depends on our passion, how we view love, and how we interact with all we come into contact with...Please, I beg you...stop any hateful feeling for just this moment...know that even in a situation where you are in an ugly divorce or someone you love has died, or a river has flooded your family home...act in love, go deep, its hard, from that moment of chaos, that is your shotgun call, it starts then and it is now!  And what you thought was your path to love, may be an outmoded pattern. Get clear, and realize what has left you is choosing a higher love in that moment, a higher good is being served and what you are individually responsible for now is to re-create with what little scraps or shiny things of your life that you have left.  Envision the highest form of love and beauty you can muster at the time...and soon balance will resume, neutrality, and again the reminder of what you are here to do...create that frequency on our planet, we currently call love...When I say Aloha...I say it to you all...I love you all, even if we do not have a balance together, even if I do not understand you or your religion, I support you in finding it and having it, because when you do, you will contribute to what we call the creative energy of god. That which comes miracles and all things possible.  The recognition that you are consciously doing so is called Christ Consciousness...and this is the general consciousness that I believe our Earth demands we shift into immediately.  This will help us all to understand what our passion, value and our purpose is driven to create!  What wonders are possible on the horizon of the human consciousness...This is not a cult, this is not a fancy new system that is guaranteed to change your life in just 30 days, it is not outside of is what created you, the simple desire to share the creative energy of love.  The most natural, most universal currency...And it is a current friends...Please I invite you to connect, reconnect, recognize you connect, and feel the bliss of the connecting...this current already is pink, it is the rhythm of the is available to everyone, it is in you and available at any time...The Messiah has come my friends, the Messiah has come and her name is...Love.  And everything on her tongue is an expression of that vibration of creation, she encourages it, she reflects it and she asks, that we all get behind her, to change the world...through our drive to survive through the invocation, realization, and inter-reacting element of what love creates.  An environment and world worth living in...the god in me greets the god in you, NAMASTE.