Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Spirit and the Ego coming together as Mindfulness instead of Poison

Remembering that the mindfulness of minding our minds controls the ego ID. If we as individuals can’t recognize the entire whole organism, we will always be ruled by the ID, rather than the perpetuation of a healthier planet, body, environment. Therefore an over-all heightening of energy for the entire planet. See, you can’t poison some of the land and some of the animals and some of the people and some of the rivers and oceans without the entire whole being effected. Period. We can’t keep poisoning anything, anymore. We must consciously choose to nourish it all back into a state of beauty. And that beauty is firmed after by the spirit, because the spirit when it sees true beauty runs towards it, for health, protection, peace, happiness and prosperity. But the nature of many minds is to possess it, control it all, benefit and monetize it. Rather than perpetuate and contribute to growing it for the sake of the entire organism. 

The ego wants to prove itself. Divide itself from spirit to form ID. It says this is mine and that is mine and I did this and accomplished that and hoarded this and collected that. Spirit is wholeness, spirit is a part of one-ness and their are overlapping spiritual needs each being has. Including the animals, even the minerals have a level of integrity they must upkeep, to be usable metal and ocular quartz. If something disturbs the very structure of the metal or the crystal, even they can be dissolved. And what was a beautiful unique structure created by certain conditions and birthed by the Earth, will go back into the Earth and become something else. Humans and all other life forms aren’t too much different from each other. Except humans have the ego constantly pushing the limited ID, which divides us then spiritually to recover ourselves.  The identification we have with how we operate in the world. In fact much more disturbed the fabric holding together the human being than the ruby or a clump of gold. We are complex mechanisms. The cow and squirrel are equally complex, with a general drive for survival expressed as character. You can see the character of your dog or cat, so you must understand every little creature has its own form of character, truly based on what it has to do to survive and where it is drawn to be along with members of other kingdoms to survivor; this used to be a natural sense that somehow humans have lost. If we can assign a collective of traits to each kind of animal community and culture, can we see the basis of their being also holding a living energy quantified by the spirit. The essence of the crystal, human, elephant is carried with the being. This is the expression we feel when we stand within their energy field or touch them. 

In nature, the chipmunk doesn’t divide itself by what colored stripe is on its tail. It’s divided by chance, the physical capability it has to survive based on where it was born in the world. The squirrel doesn’t think of hopping a boat to Australia to make a better life or go live in a squirrel city where the nuts are more plentiful but harder to keep. It doesn’t think of killing the deer or bird or removing a tree for a better view. Or wasting its time discovering how the bird and deer cause it’s problems or how they should act, it doesn’t burn down the forest so other animals stop living there. It doesn’t build a huge house or buy a Tesla, to show how hard he’s worked for his nuts and how conscious he is of hoarding them. The squirrel hoards nuts to survive the winter, not to buy more trees. But the squirrel survives and has babies and as long as the fish still swim and the deer keeps pooping and the birds bring seeds and the bugs keep pollinating, the squirrel will have its nuts and have babies and slowly the land will become as fertile as it can be. We must all learn about balance, about allowing balance, character and the health of all things. 

What is the energy of a nuclear plant vs a dam? What is the energy of a young child in a loving home vs being used as a tool for sex trafficking? What is the energy of a stream flowing freely through a land that’s never been poisoned vs a reservoir of water where pollutants from orchards or factories leach DNA altering chemicals into it? What life is present at the two? The natural stream draws animals of all kinds, worms and other soul enriching organisms. Therefore the places energy and health is strong, the trees flourish and make homes for animals and when our eyes fall upon that place we place a value on it, we want to possess it even, we want to go there. Really what we are saying is, the energy of the place makes us feel good, it’s beautiful, it’s a gift to us from planet Earth. Well. Then, we go to the polluted reservoir. The chemicals that leached create short life for the beautiful things. The soil is not healthy lacking the necessary organisms for life. The animals do not shelter there, because their lives would be bleak, ill and short. They get sick drinking the water, it doesn’t smell right, and it shows. The human eye looks past this place, it’s deterred and detoured to go there. We determine so much with our senses. It isn’t desirable, it isn’t as beautiful, and there is little life there. We could go as far as to say, it’s energy is weak, it’s a god forsaken place, the spirit is dark.  Do you understand? This too can happen to human beings. To places human beings live. An unconscious mind that poisons itself and the world around it, can be defined in many ways. And right now, on this planet, we have more unconscious activity happening, leading us down a poisoned road, where our actions, our minds and our spirits are seriously lacking integrity or stewardship. The spirit of this place is weakening. And the thing about poison is, it isn’t often reconcilable for centuries. Every great gardener or land steward knows, we often can’t poison something to make it better, to make it flourish. There is a cause and an effect. For example, you can burn land and let it sit, micro-organisms return over time and new life comes, but it often isn’t the same as it was before, usually positive but not the same. The human being is like this too. We must be mindful of everything we expose ourselves too lest we become poisoned. 

When the minds of the people get poisoned, it trickles down, all the way. When the spirit is poisoned no one wants to engage with it. How do we clean it up then? How do we rebuild the garden of the soul? We quit buying the poison being sold to us in one form or another through words and propaganda and alluring scientific/religious/judicial/governing laws and testimony that looks a lot like poisoning of some kind. We set fire to that which is dead and/or draining us. Metaphorically and really. We pull out the thoughts that have over-grown everything good or bad, we replace the rotted apple trees with healthy ones, the blackberries get hedged back and contained, the soil has natural nutrients added, like compost. We nurture the place back to life with good intentions, conscious upkeep and intentional repair. Every single day. 

It used to be, if there were a person poisoned, hurting themselves and other beings we would contain them through jail, hospitalization, to rehabilitate the person. Before that the shaman or healer helped direct the mind back to health in what we define as mysterious, magical or unknown mediation. The systems of control have failed that use punishment to control those beings. The being unconsciously poisons themselves to rid themselves of something. This could be self-medication, unconscious will that’s misdirected or chaotic, or medical alteration in some way. Can we see?

I’ll say it again, we cannot poison something and truly bring it back to life. Ever. We are mistreating our minds, bodies and spirits as the only beings capable of conscious stewardship on this planet. Therefore our environment is poisoned and we are all looking for the beautiful little meadow. But if we are poisoned we will poison it too before it can heal us. Our minds, what we choose to do, dwell on and fill ourselves with eventually leaks out. It is very spiritual. We are not well, we are all gettin g sick. 

Healers look to mend things, we can mend them as far as our own spiritual, mental and physical health capacity will allow. It is time for those with the healer spirit to strengthen themselves. It is a time when the pillars holding the beautiful corners of the world, share their knowledge to spread a higher form of health, perceived as beauty and is soil deep. We must combat the poison with knowledge and mindfulness. We must hold our corners. We must not allow ourselves to get poisoned or to poison others. That is our true goal, isn’t it? 

How can we do this? How can we hold up our own spirit in a time where consciousness is low, morality is low, stewardship is low? Be relentless in your own life. Keep pouring the nutrients on. Keep shining bright so others are willing to drop the unconscious drama to join you. To add on to the beauty and become true stewards again. If you aren’t a steward, someone will eventually try to steward you. Police you, medicate you, train you and take away the things you can’t defend or see. Your freedom, your honor, your happiness, your ability to thrive, etc. and control those things. Do you want your land or body under someone else’s control? Or can you strengthen your body, mind and spirit to become self-prevailing and propagated. It’s ok to need help. Just don’t pick the poison to help you. That’s your choice. Don’t keep doing that. The result is always the same. Dead land, dead animals, dead organisms, no usable natural resources. The “cost” of this mistake is so high, we often can’t “pay” it in our life-time.

I want to be a steward, I want to serve the wellness of our organism, I want to nourish it and all it contains. All it contains. Please join me, in the recovery of all the corners, of all the minds, of all the elements that hold the health of us all, in the balance. You truly must be the change you want to see in the world. In all ways, this organism is all one. Right now the ID is in struggle with the spirit. If we do not follow a better formula or set or moral standards collectively, the darkness will indeed overcome this land and all lands and humans and many other kingdoms will suffer while the one organism makes its move to right the struggle of balance. Earth evolved to have beings that hold consciousness. You use it everyday and yet remain unaware of the power all human beings have to use it. For good. To create beauty that spreads and only upholds the whole organism. For bad too and it has a defined consequence. All the rules, the commandments, control cycles are attempting to communicate through consciousness a formula for the mind. A formula that helps our conscious minds control themselves to avoid rot. 

Sometimes the rules end up defending the ID, rather than the spirit of things. All things must be well, nothing should be poisoned to rebuild it. A poisoned stream doesn’t know it’s poisoned so it runs on poisoning more land and more kingdoms. But if the mind, the steward can come in and consciously unpoison it, it can live and flourish. We must redevelop the rules at this time for humanity. By choice. We must gather as many conscious minds together to take their consciousness back. We must integrate new standards for justice systems, the medical industry, industrialization, etc to reflect nourishing, instead of poisoning and if we don’t let go of the poison, everything will be lost. 

We must all choose to change our poisoning ways and be relentless in the pursuit of nourishment. We call this love. We can do this through unconditional love and consciousness towards our entire reality. But we must choose that path or we will all soon be walking the poisoned road together and live through ages of apocalypse, that ravaged every kingdom and this is what the Hindus call karma. What others call the reckoning and still others call the end of days. And even if we see the end of days because collectively the individuation of the ID ego wins in its pursuit for freedom,  we know we staged it off as long as we could with what some would call holy or whole intention. The intention of wholeness again or holiness. May we protect our sacred sights, our clean rivers, our rainforests, gardens and thriving lands with our thriving hands. May we come together and create a wholier plan. Let’s get to living my fellow stewards and showing others how it’s done. In a small movement that will stave off the end of things as long as possible. The death of poisoning ourselves and all other kingdoms will be the resurrection of wholeness and rebirth of a better way. The time is now, let us gather. Non-political minds willing to change ourselves as best we can and hold up the pillars for others to return to wholeness too, because proxy, until all beings can become consciously aware enough to hold up more corners. Let’s raise the roof, raise our hands and spirits again. It’s our time. If we don’t do it, who will? 

We can get stuck in pity, grief, anger, depression, anxiety. Just realize these emotions are symptoms of imbalance. And the more we just lay down the burdens of the mind to refocus our consciousness on wholeness, in even the smallest ways we can shift. We can shift collectively if we can mind the overgrown thoughts and mechanisms of poison we’ve been exposed to. We must simply tell ourselves daily, I am valuable to myself, the planet and others and from here I dedicate my entire existence to my wholeness and wellness and hope to inch that out in any direction I can to create more within the spirits of all the kingdoms. Especially in our fellow humans. This is just done by truly setting the intention to do good, not bad. To nourish not poison. To see what effect your entire life has on the wholeness around you. Dedicate to create beauty, wholeness and health for the entire organism. And when you realize the human plight as well as the human purpose, you should be able to mindfully choose wholeness in a snap. Just choose beauty instead of rot. Choose clarity instead of poison. Truth instead of confusion. This is done one mindful action at a time. To regain your mind is the entire act, the act of becoming mindful. This is the humans entire plight. To overcome the long winter of the soul, and blossom into your summer. You get one long cycle, called your life, don’t waste it making winter so long. Get into your Spring, your renewal, choose it now so you can have a very long blooming. Enjoy your life. Let us stop looking at the poison, pointing out and dwelling on the poison and pouring more poison on the poison. We know there’s poison, so just clean it up mindfully, nourish what’s left and start now. 

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