Friday, April 20, 2012

The only religion you need is LOVE

People get confused about God. But, God being the expression of the main creative force responsible for the birth, life and death of all things, is easy to know.  Some people believe that God is everywhere all at once, watching over us all of the time.  Some do not see the connection between themselves and the forests or oceans on the other side of the planet.  Everything is connected as we are one organism here on Earth. Our heart beats and our auras or our extensive electro-magnetic bodies are connected to all things, know all things, and can connect to all that is through using our breath.

Prayers go out and some are answered and some are not...and people wonder why some prayers are heard and others are not.  They wonder, but where is God now?  The first misconception is the personification of God and that "he" can hear you, as if you are having a conversation with him.  God is not a he or a she, as you are just a being assigned a task and your sexual organs are an evolved mechanism for pro-creation...even man and woman are just fractured labels to define our magnetism to one define the way we love or do not have love for things.

God made humans to be a righteous extension of the creative force.  We are a miracle.  We can choose to be the answer to one another's prayers, we are the deliverance of prayers answered in a variety of unique expressions. God, the creative energy is that which is unknown to us still. As we search for understanding the unknown appears to get smaller, until we realize that there is far more we must understand to grasp the immensity and miracle of all things. The creative force is big, unlimited and infinite. We are a part of God, as we are a part of the Earth and the galaxy. God is infinite, immaculate and eternal.  And, we are the part of God that can be everywhere here on Earth, as are the trees and plants, rocks and rivers, mountains and Sun. We are all here as interdependent beings, a part of the greater organism of the Earth.  Our whole hearted love for it and one another alone will stabilize all things. The Earth being an elemental piece of the greater universal organism and so on. The universe is a small part of the millions of galaxies that we are just beginning to understand. Understanding the concepts of microcosm and macrocosm encourages balance among humans. Once understood we see ourselves as individual cells flowing through the venous systems of our planet or gathering in "cities" and towns, either stabilizing and rejuvenating or causing cancer and disease.  The human must understand its place in things. We inhabit this place together, it is our greater body.  Well-being must reign over the whole, otherwise Earth can and will die from our indigestible chaos. Humans as a group must choose to be either a salve or a poison to our Earth. Today, most people have joined together unconsciously as a primarily destructive force.  But, we are beginning to see that each one of us can make a shift or a change in our hearts, becoming aware of a very great state of love and compassion for our inter-related brothers and sisters, creatures and other Earth inhabitants. We must make sacrifices to save everything from the "dark chaos" or as we call it, ultimate dis-ease among all things.  This is the same sacrifice that Jesus made and this is the true reason for the rememberence and reverence of his life.  He was meant to be an example, not an idol. He sacrificed his body for goodness and for the greatness on this planet.  He allowed his adversaries to mock him, to abuse him, and slander him.  He allowed himself to be hung and disgraced by all of those that he  sacrificed himself for.  It was his final act of martyrdom.  We have made our Earth into the martyr. She is conscious in a different way of our activities.  She becomes fevered, she gets the chills, her heart skips beats, she has seizures, and lesions.  We just have different labels for them.

The dark chaos is capable of take-over at any given time, we can consider this like cancer or pneumonia in the body...its an imbalance, not evil, demons, or God abandoning anyone.  Its an imbalanced condition that is conceived out of unconscious and negligent behaviors.  Each human has a choice to indulge whatever he chooses. But, bad behaviors not only effect our loved ones, neighbors, peers, etc.; they effect all things eventually.  If we cannot imagine taking responsibility for any given action we should consider what effect it may have on the whole. We should consider where our garbage goes, or how nuclear power could be very negative if a mass population is exposed to raw materials, or how dumping the waste from crystal meth production effects everyone who walks that land.

The antidote to this is to learn how to train the mind away from indulging too heavily in feeding the shadowed or unconscious side of the mind.  The human is not evil or shadowed, it is the mind that can become like a dark dangerous forest or unkempt garden.  We must tend to our minds, because our minds make the choice to keep our heart and bodies healthy, creating a strong effective electromagnetic force for the world to draw on. This makes us valuable and necessary. The dark-chaos within us is our shadowed side. We are beings being born into a genealogical lineage, a culture, a heritage, a city, and a country. There are conditions of which we sometimes feel that we can do nothing about, things beyond our control.  Part of the human's personal evolution is to realize that it does not want to experience any more suffering than that which is naturally impressed upon them.  And then, we realize that we can stop imposing suffering on other beings and that other beings will learn from this example.  Our shadow is the part of ourselves that can knock us off balance if we are not conscious of all of our allowances. The shadow seeks escapisms and propels our minds into deep states of suffering, which after a time, will result in the suffering of the body.  The shadow seeks that which harms instead of heals and Christians have called these our sins and I refer to them as shadows.  The shadow side of ourselves is our greatest teacher and a friend.  A friend whose company can be enjoyed through understanding and compassion for ourselves.  The shadows of others also teach us how to act and how not to act, by example.

Wine can be used as a sacred antidote or as a shadow, as well as love, or almost any other thing.  Our shadows are obsessive and compulsive, they are addicts, they are abusive, unconscious, selfish, greedy, gluttonous, liars.  Each cell, each life is sacred and our consciousness must be conditioned to remember and re-connect.  Electromagnetically we are connected to all things through the laws of physics.  We want balance and crave it, if we get too out of balance, our mechanism will break-down, destruct-ure. Our imbalances come when we allow our shadows to make choices and we ourselves must lean these lessons.  We must learn to yearn for true nourishment.  We are not battling Satan, a force outside of ourselves, we are battling our own shadows individually and collectively. Our collective shadow is the "darkness" we are wishing to extinguish and it is in all of us. This shadow can cause us to have unresolved karma, we can even collect group karma by participating in greater shadow activities, like war and genocides.  Karma, being an opportunity to make something right in the life you are given.

Only when we recognize that can we and must we change ourselves individually so that we can then push back the shadow and begin to have a heavenly or peaceful state here on Earth.  As one collective dream, Christianity and many other religions have a place they refer to as pure light, love and goodness...this is the place humanity can return to when we collectively acknowledge our true presence on Earth.  We, like God, are in control of hell and heaven.  The heart of each man must choose goodness, health, peace and grace.  Heaven and hell are formed and created by the heart of man. This is not about "god" at all, as in how various religious constructs see "him". This is about US choosing to live in a balanced state where love reigns on an Earth that may seem much more like heaven.

This is my statement.  This is my plea. This is not a story or a creative way of putting it.  This is me providing a wake-up call for all of us, for those who cannot take responsibility for their own actions, for those who cannot see outside of themselves long enough to help the homeless person on the corner, or the half run-over dog, or the child next door that you know is being beaten.  Help yourself and if you cannot do that, see that which is valuable in others and begin by giving someone a smile, saying hello, looking into their eyes.  I met the marketing director for Google from China once at the Esalen Institute and he said the Dalai Lama said to him and he said to me, "Maggie, if you want to heal the world, the Dalai Lama says all you have to do is sit with someone for 10 minutes, listen to them or touch them with your hand , look them in the eye and in some way make them feel like they are valuable".  

The "grand order" and the "grand chaos" are both churning energetically and we humans get to choose which one we want to perpetuate with our thoughts.  The creative order wants to take presidence  over the grand chaos or the shadow.  This my friends would be considered the "return of Christ" within our consciousness, hence the phrase "Christ consciousness". A messiah is within every lineage and accessible to you through your consciousness of it. The return of Christ Consciousness is happening right now.

Wake up world. You are god. You are the messiah.  You are a directly linked to and a part of everything you consider lovely and beautiful.

When you are alone.  Take a deep breath into the place you imagine your heart to be.  See that space expanding and filling with gold or pink light.  Imagine every love you have ever known.  feel that love in your body again.  Imagine every place that you have ever been that has taken your breath away with its amazing beauty and breathe the air of that place into your lungs.  Feel it fill you.  Keep focusing on that which makes you feel love in your heart.  NOW PRAY.  Send your prayers out with your breath, to the people, place or spirits you are praying with and for. This is consciousness.  You have just become conscious of yourself and your heart, which is the most far reaching bio-energy field of the body.  You are conscious of your breath, retaining the energy that is with you as you send it out to mingle and make effect on the world around you, in all ways.  This is how one prays and receives answers, signs and results.

When you are most alone...if you listen and love and learn to let go you may just find yourself in the presence of something you will never forget. The God within yourself and all things speaking to you very clearly. Indeed God is in all things big and small, light and dark, and good and bad.  You do not have to find it, you only have to know that it is.  This is the only faith you need. No fear, no money, no right and wrong, just you possessing yourself and being a being that is responsible for itself individually and collectively as your energy and consciousness. Make a difference.

Fortuna Favet Bravado

It means something to be a spiritual warrior.
But, it does not mean perfection.
It does not mean having a messiah complex.
It does not mean prophet, psychic, healer, speaker, grand community builder...
It means realizing we are tender enough to put our armor on
even if our armor is a costume.

It means you have the clarity of mind
to greet yourself each morning as "your creator".
It means you learn over many cups of tea and wine
that our words, our behaviors,  and our actions,
are ingredients
for life that comes from within.

I may always have a story to tell you...listen.
Its for you.
I may raise my voice...listen.
and excuse how strong it feels.
Sometimes something I say may feel like it was
hurtful and unthought-out...

To be a spiritual warrior
Is to define yourself...
I have not worn white in all my lives.
Nor do I choose to wear it in this one.
To wear white is an act of respect.
And this is a respect I show to you, not god.
Make sure to know whose expectations are truly being upheld.

I am a being that is manifest in a body
And so are you...act like an angel, act like a god, or act like a demon or a slave,
That is up to you human, that is up to you.